August 12, 2021
Openning the school year of the children's project
In August 2021, during a community day camp, the students studied the laws of the Torah related to nature, and with their own hands built a "Garden of Eden" in the yard of the synagogue on the site of a vacant lot, which will now serve as a youth project.
The Yael Foundation supports a community children's project and an informal Jewish program for "Gan Shlomo students".
Other news
Working visit to the Jewish school of Barcelona Collegio Hatikva
On May 20, CEO of Yael Foundation, Mr. Eliezer Lesovoy had meetings with school principal Mr. Ari Messer, and the President of Barcelona Jewish Community Mr. Raymond Forado.
KIDS ZONE at the Bayit Jewish Community
We are thrilled to announce the new and exciting KIDS ZONE opened at the children's center at the Bait synagogue and community canter in Richmond, Vancouver.
Openning the school year of the children's project
The Yael Foundation supports a community children's project and an informal Jewish program for "Gan Shlomo students".